Our first sight of Joey. He was 12 weeks old. He looked great and healthy.
Décembre 28, 2007
Confirmation that Joey was boy #4
Décembre 28, 2007
A 3D picture of Joey at 19 weeks. I wish we did the DVD too. We were waiting for him to get more fat layers to do the DVD...wish we did it then.
Décembre 29, 2007
Mommy showing off Joey as he was growing in early December. I was somewhere between 14-16 weeks. He was the only one out of my four boys that was growing towards the upper part of my tummy. His brothers all were low in my tummy.
Décembre 29, 2007
This is Joey's five year old brother Jeromy, posing for a picture for Dad. I think I was either 19 or 20 weeks pregnant.
Janvier 4, 2008
This is Joey at 19 weeks the day the doctor told us Joey's heart was enlarged.
Janvier 17, 2008
This was the last picture we got of Joey at 21 weeks. You can see his enlarged heart and the mass on his liver.
Février 1, 2008
Mom cherishing her last moments of holding her precious beloved little angel Ethan Joey
Février 1, 2008
Joey's little hand. His skin is thin and translucent this is why it looks so red.
It looks like a little doll's hand.
Février 1, 2008
Joey peacefully sleeping in his royal blue Mets blanket. Jeromy wanted to know why his little brother had a tan
Février 1, 2008
Joey was born peacefully sleeping at 24 weeks.
He weighed 15.2 oz
11.75 inches long
Février 4, 2008
Our last goodbyes to our little Joey
We miss and love you!!!!!
Février 4, 2008
As Joe, Jeromy and I were walking down to the corner florist to order Joey's flowers for his burial-we looked down at the side walk and saw Joey's name engraved on the cement.
Joe took a picture of it and Jeromy said "God did it!"
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